MAPS-Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Virtual Information Session
September 21, 2023, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Do you want to know more about whether a MAPS-CGS degree might be the next right thing for you and for your ministry. We imagine you have many questions as you begin this journey. From “How will I pay for this?” to “Is it really possible to balance work and life AND graduate school?”.
We have assembled a panel of faculty and staff from Aquinas and alumni from the MAPS-CGS program for this 60-minute virtual session where you will get answers to questions like these (and any others that are on your mind!):
- What is the admissions process like? What is required for the application? If I apply, when will I find out if I am admitted?
- What are the opportunities for financial aid?
- What kinds of courses will I be taking? How long does it take to finish the degree? What’s special about this program compared to all the others out there?
- What is it actually like to be a student in the program? What will I gain from this experience?
We hope that you will join us for what is sure to be an enlightening and enlivening conversation! See you soon!
Register here
Current MAPS-CGS cohort 2022