
Ways to Give

Help support catechists, parents, and others in the church and beyond!

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

No gift is too small, a donation of any size can make a difference. Donate in your name or your organization’s name to support CGSUSA. Donations to the Annual Appeal are welcome throughout the year!

Sustainable Giving

Sustainable Giving

CGUSUA offers automatic, flexible giving plans so you can support the mission all year long. Join a loyal group of monthly and annual donors committed to the religious life of children in Sustainable Giving to CGSUSA.

Tribute Gifts

Tribute Gifts

Honor someone special, a special occasion or the memory of a loved one or friend by making a Tribute Gift to CGSUSA in their name.

Tina Lillig Memorial Fund

Tina Lillig Memorial Fund

The Tina Lillig Memorial Fund was created to support the growth and development of CGSUSA through catechist formation, missionary outreach, and our work. Donate to the Tina Lillig Memorial fund today!

Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving

Remembering CGSUSA in your estate plan is a way to ensure the long-term sustainability of our Association and to continue to assist the involvement of children and adults in a common religious experience.

Endowment Fund

Endowment Fund

The CGSUSA Endowment Fund is managed by the Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation, an educational foundation. This designation makes the CGS Endowment Fund eligible for corporate matching funds.

Other Ways to Give: tHeART of the Child

Help us present this traveling lecture series and art exhibit that displays the artwork of the child to thematically spotlight the meeting between the mystery of God and the mystery of the child.

a red heart with the words heart of the child.

“Graphic figures are the child’s expressive vocabulary.”
– Tilde Cocchinni

“Numerous drawings demonstrate how the children enter the parables message and how it resounds within the; the most apparent effect they derive from it is a serene peace, which is why they exclaim: ’With the Good Shepherd everything is fine‘, why they pray: ’You are good because you guide us with goodness‘.”
– Sofia Cavalletti

The purpose of these exhibits is:

  • to deepen our understanding of the child’s relationship with God
  • to share what we are learning from the child with adults in and beyond the Church
  • to broaden the CGSUSA constituency base for the purposes of increasing financial support beyond the catechist community

The art exhibits and lectures are created and offered by CGSUSA. The format within which these are made available and the subsequent planning efforts, will be determined in collaboration with specific regional hosts.

Learn more about tHeArt of the Child by reading the book or the particular Journal articles below. 

Buy the Heart of the Child Book

2017 Journal - Inspiring Art Expression in the Atrium

2017 Journal - Do You See What I See

2001 Journal - Artistic Expression of the Children in the Atrium

“Thank you for the wonderful HeART of the Child exhibit. It was well done. What struck me is the way that God speaks to children; and then, how through the children, He speaks to us. They awaken us to the mystery of God’s presence and love in refreshing ways. The art itself has a freshness to it; many of us who don’t work daily with children appreciate the help of you or others to help us see all that is there.”
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted

Your Support Matters

There are many ways to help support the ongoing mission of The United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. 
Ways to Give
Adult Courses

Welcome to CGSUSA

We believe God and the child have a unique relationship with one another. Children need their own place to foster the growth of that relationship. The growth of this relationship is assisted by the adult, but is directed by the Spirit of God within the child.

The CGS Approach

Find an Atrium

CGS in the Home
CGS in the Parish
CGS in the School

Discover CGS

What is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd was born from the joy of the children’s encounter with God. It has been observed that children of the same developmental stage, even those from widely varying cultural backgrounds, respond to elements of the Christian message in the same way.

CGS in the World
CGS and Ecumenism
Roman Catholic Tradition
Episcopal Tradition
Orthodox Tradition
32 Points of Reflection
CBP en Espanol
Children with Disabilities
Justice and Solidarity

Learn with CGS

In Catechesis of the Good Shepherd adults are given the opportunity to embrace a method of catechesis (or religious education) that will deepen one’s relationship with God. Catechist formation in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is both instructive as well as experiential. It captivates both the head as well as the heart.

Courses for Adults
Host a Course
Register a Course
Scholarships & Grants

Good Shepherd and the Child Podcast

The Journal
Document Library

Connect to CGSUSA

We read in the Gospel of Mark that Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs, two by two; the journey was not meant to be a solitary one. It is essential for us as catechists to support one another as we prepare materials, work in the atrium, and observe the child. We come together in unity, as members of CGSUSA, to share the joy of this work.

Become a Member
Member Benefits
Individual Membership
Organization Membership
Regions & Regional Groups
CGSUSA Leadership: Staff & Board
Annual Meeting
CGSUSA Vendor Members - Digital Source List

Support CGSUSA

Through their joy, their wonder and awe, their capacity for love and prayer, and their radical simplicity, children offer us adults a glimpse of what it means to fall in love with God. This has been the work of CGSUSA for over 30 years: to advocate for the child’s joy.

Leadership: Staff and Board of Trustees
Contact Us
Ways to Give
TLM Memorial Fund
Tribute Gifts
Sustainable Giving