Level II Book Study
Life in the Vine, The Joyful Journey Continues Level II Book Study
“Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.” John 1
The Life in the Vine, The Joyful Journey Continues Level II Book Study is a wonderful opportunity for catechists to gather in person or via Zoom, at the parish level, by region, or as a way to reconnect with fellow catechists from your time in a CGSUSA formation course.
We are grateful to Joann Terranova, Maria Muscado, Connie Moretti, and the catechists in the Sheepfold Regional Group in the state of WA for developing this process and sharing it with CGSUSA, and also to board member, Susan Stuhlsatz-Reese, who piloted a Zoom Book Study group this spring using this study. What you will find in this book study is an opportunity to read and share, to reflect on what resonated with you, and to ask questions and discuss the rich themes found in this text, alongside the child’s expression of those themes. For each chapter, samples of the child’s artwork will be shared, so that you may go deeper still to reflect upon the Mystery of the God and the Mystery of the Child.