“Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth,
for the LORD speaks:
Sons have I raised and reared,
but they have rebelled against me.
An ox knows its owner,
and an ass,* its master’s manger;
But Israel does not know,
my people has not understood.” Isaiah 1:2-3
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“The events of Christ’s infancy appear rather difficult due to the misuse that is generally made of them by often telling them (with many diminutives!) as if they were beautiful fables. The fact is that the infancy narratives, especially in Luke, are a type of “theological tapestry” – if it is possible to call them so- whereby the evangelist stresses the grandeur of the mystery he is announcing through a variety of techniques.” The Religious Potential of the Child, pg. 76
Marty O’Bryan joins us on the podcast to ponder how deep the scriptures during this season of Christmas are and the beautiful theological tapestry that weaves them all together throughout the whole Bible are.
Marty O’Bryan began her formation in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with Sofia Cavalletti in 1983 and has been a catechists since 1985. She conducts adult formations at Levels I, II and III throughout the United States. A retired speech and language pathologist, Marty holds a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies with an emphasis on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd from Aquinas Institute of Theology. Currently, she works with children in Level I, II, and III atria in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.
Scripture Verses to Read in Advent and Christmas Seasons:
Annunciation- Luke 1:26-38
Visitation- Luke 1:39-56
Birth of Jesus and Adoration of the Shepherds- Luke 2:1-20
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple- Luke 2: 21-33, 36-39
Adoration of the Magi- Matthew 2:1-12
Flight into Egypt- Matthew 2:13-23
Little Gospel Booklets- Infancy Narratives
Books you may be interested in:
The Religious Potential of the Child
Ways to Nurture the Relationship with God
History of the Kingdom of God Part 1: From Creation to Parousia
Books from Fr Raymond Brown:
Episodes with Marty-
Episode 15- Chapter One of Joyful Journey
Episode 95- CGS Characteristics #21 and 25 with Lynne Worthington and Marty O’Bryan
Episode 100 – Art as Prayer Response
Episode 114- Characteristic #27
Podcast Episodes about Advent and Christmas:
Episode 27- Mystery of the Incarnation with Karen Maxwell
Episode 79- Chapter 6 of The Religious Potential of the Child
Episode 104- Annunciation and the Incarnation with Sofia Cavalletti
Episode 128 CGS Advent in the Home with Mary Heinrich
Episode 129- The Family in Advent with Gertrud Muller Nelson